As people are aware, the sole purpose a liberating bonus of being a teacher is the handy vacation time. While my calendar doesn't quite match up with what you might remember from school in Canada, I had a a 9 day almost-into-the-summer spring break (it's 30 degrees here now, we don't really have a spring). I took advantage of my being-an-adult-I-do-what-I-want freedom to swoop down to the lovely countries of Malaysia and Australia and see what kind of trouble I could get myself into (and perhaps see a few friends in the process).
First Stop: Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia; Land of a thousand Foods (I made that up, it probably has a national motto or something). Jade, an awesome lady from teacher's college who landed herself a job there.

It feels pretty good to be a grown up sometimes. and see your friends be grown ups and say to ourselves "We're grown ups, look at us", so we talked about grown up life for the past year before she sent me out with her scooter to explore the city while she did something that I forgot. I promptly found that Kuala Lumpur's roadworks would have been more organized and logical if the infrastructural blueprints were a plate of spaghetti. I'm talking about roads that turn into highways, highways that turn into roads, special motorcycle lanes that separate from the highway and only sometimes rejoin it, roads that block other roads and require you to take fourteen u-turns just to get back on the street you were on, while struggling to follow the Malaysian roadsigns to get you back.

After postponing the plans of the entire group, I flagged down a food delivery-person on his way back from a drop-off who guided me back to where I needed to be. Things went from stressfully disastrous to pretty decent once I got to hang out with some awesome people in the process, all Canadians (thank GOD) to show me what a night out in KL looks like.
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The Batu Caves are a place. That's right, a place. I forget the details but here's some pictures to fill up the spaces where words should be.
Because Malaysia is an intensely multicultural country, it's got an arsenal of fresh, locally-made foods that come from most other places in Asia (and some places outside of it). If you like to eat, get your keister down to Malaysia, just don't melt in the sun or get lost on your way there.