Living away from everything that you've known most of your life is a big jump. I mean HUGE. I have so much respect for all those people who have done it, are doing it, or are about to start doing it. I've never experienced anything quite like it before. Living on your own is also different that what I expected at first. For those of you who saw the video, the snaps, the blog post from a week ago, I was (and still am) very pleased to get a place of my own for the first time ever. But there's something very different about having your territory, a place no one else is involved with or even sets foot in (So far). Coming home to an empty house, things being exactly where they were left (I.E. laundry still not put away, empty cereal bowl still on the counter, etc), as nothing happens while you're gone. Nobody to check on to see how their day's been, or to have dinner in the midst of cooking, or a cat to call inside and rub it's chin (believe me, I've thought about adopting a cat many times since I've arrived here). Yes, it can be lonely. I get those feels at times.

That being said (and I still have to tell myself this at times), there is no time and place like the present. Having lovely people in your presence is the most unparalleled, wonderful feeling that can be felt, and to experience that means making more friends (in a very non-English speaking country, mind you).
The only direction you can move is forward (as you probably already know). For me, most of that means my co-workers, and happen-stance encounters. On that account,they have been a joy to work with. People from all over the globe, of all different ages, interests, and favourite snack-types (you learn that quickly sharing an office with people). However, with the storm of exams on the horizon, and the various things that keeps 'grown ups' busy, I've found it more challenging to spontaneously put hangs together, so that take a bit more work. We'll see...
For me, finding home means doing things that make this new chapter work for me. It means trying new things, revisiting old things, (listening to albums I haven't heard since high school has been a favourite), and a bit of diligence in terms of seeking things out and staying with the neat things I find (notice how I used the word NEAT again).
So far, this is what I've been doing to stay busy and engaged in society:
Swimming in the park. Yes that is just the map of the park, but it's a nice one. This one is Nova Park, called 'Central Park' by the people in the neighbhourhood. It's the closest one to the school, and the one I swim at most often (well, the only one I've swam at, aside from the one you'll see in a bit). A post on Nova park will appear later.
I also take the odd picture when I can be bothered. Shout out to our family friend, 'Uncle' Scott, for the wonderful gift that is this camera (seriously though, this thing takes magnificent pictures for a lil babby hand-held). I don't really know anything about photography, so I point my camera at things, press the button, and hope nice pictures come out.
That's about all there is to life here at this point. Even finishing writing this, looking at the things I've been doing and am doing, I still miss the hangs and happenings back in Canada (what I wouldn't give for a patio beer in 20 degree weather). I'm glad to feel the love and support from home. The posts, snaps, skype chats. All these are lovely and great to have (and I will not follow that sentence with any kind of if and or but that diminishes its importance). For that, I am very thankful, and I can only do my best to return it and keep in contact with folks back home.
Stuart, reading your blog reminds me of home too. Macau is my second and sweet home. You have highlighted so many characteristics of Macau that makes me homesick but happy. I think you are strong and optimistic by engaging yourself in the community. People there need your fun and positive spirit. Thanks for writing this!