Now, I don't know who specifically reads this, nor for what purpose. I'm not exactly sure what stories Ill still be able to offer at this point. What I do know is that, from the various personal and financial data I've been ruthlessly harvesting from all of you, no less than over three quarters of you readers are accessing this blog from a cellular device. Now, where you are and what you should be doing instead of reading this is none of my business (although I enjoy philosophizing), but that seems like quite a lot of mobile device use. Such an offence would surely make my former top-level boss lose countless hours of sleep in failing to micromanage such a minor offence. Anyways, I've changed the layout of the blog. The larger font should make things a little easier to read, and the darker background should make reading this on the toilet/in bed at 2 am/in a work meeting a little easier on the eyes, and be less of a load on your batteries so that you can make it all the way through the workday while balancing instagram, reddit, messaging your circle of friends, and generally avoiding meaningless tasks.
The words are so tiny on these newfangled telephones! |
So welcome to A Purposeless Blog.
So now here we are. An old country. A new blog name. A distinct absence of meaning, income and self-discipline. I'm living in Canada now, experiencing my first fall weather in years. My colleagues have new classes and are out and I'm sitting on my hands
I'm not going to make a scene extrapolating how I once lived in Asia and therefore am an incredibly traveled and sophisticated dickhead who can dissect contrasting cultures.
"Okay Stuart, settle down on all the big words there buster"
Oops. Right. This isn't a work meeting or resume composing session. I've gotten into the bad habit of glorifying the most very basic human functions using an academic vocabulary, including using educational and administrative buzz words with lots of syllables. Instead, I'm going to try to highlight the things I've noticed and found trouble with since moving back home. While I will try to avoid sounding like a hypocritical entitled jerk, I can't make any promises.
Things I like about 加拿大
There are many things I like about Canada, but I'll try to list off the few I liked most once I got my bearings and beat jet lag.
Food! Not just Asian food, but access to all of the types of food one's heart desires. While the Chinese food I've found so far is not as good, there are so many delicious options to help enhance my strength and resilience against hunger. I'll have to do some hunting to satisfy my unsatiable need for 辣炸鸡 (Là zhá jī)
Montreal Bagels |
Some fancy Franch Toast |
Some fancy Franch Canadian Meat Sammies |
Some not-Franch Fried Cheese |
I guess this could be Franch-originated. Poutine!
(I now realize how stupidly filling and heavy this is) |
Pals! The summer is a great time to do fun things! No, I didn't steal that from the cover of Canadian Living magazine, it's actually my prime time for hangs with friends that are otherwise busy with life (and sometimes out of the country). Either that, or it's the time of year people have less of an excuse to be antisocial shut-ins.
Playing dominoes like old people |
Buying butter tarts in a tiny tourist town like old people |
Trying on the old, donated clothes of old people |
Well look who it is! |
That's Queback |
Friends include cats too |
Like driving a car! Even though at first, after a year without being behind the wheel, it was a little tricky to keep it within the paint (or as they say, between the mustard and the mayonnaise), I got the hang of things again. It was also a nice chance to remind myself what the proper rules of the road are, and which ones are just flexible recommendations.
As you can see, I'm driving on the correct side of the road.
A+ |
The old barge after a year sitting under a tree. |
She shines up like new eh? |
I even made a little video of waking the old beast up after a year of sleep. Check it out here because I said so
(Seriously you better look at it because I made it myself like a professional. I also do other makes and models of cars, pets, plants and cooking videos)
Or better yet... Shopping for even MORE cars... This is kind of my addiction, so I hope these pictures help awaken your inner gear head.
A 70's muscle car? Oh yes |
An all-original, V8 Oldsmobile Cutlass at a reasonable price? HECK yes! |
Pervasive rust, holes and rot on every surface facing the ground?
This was one charming, a 1973 Mercedes, sans hood badge. |
And had a pretty nifty interior, definitely smelled like an old car |
But, if you look closely at the rear half,
the 'fresh coat' was done with house paint.... |
This one was a real beast, and without any of that pesky rust |
It's a $7,500 car, but the owner wants twice that for it... |
Like NATURE. The clean and unbastardized air that smells like mother nature's freshest batch of cookies is one of Canada's greatest gifts. While Macau was so tightly packed, sweaty and schmutzy that you felt like doing nothing that wasn't air-conditioned, Canada sports the wide open spaces and real nature that facilitates hiking, swimming, camping, fishing, BBQ-ing, canoeing, beach-ing, outdoor sports games, picnics, patio meals, patio drinks, patio reading sessions, animal walking/spotting, opening windows to feel like you're outside, or other activities that get me out of the house so I'm not so much of a miserable piece of human garbage. It's pretty nice.
This is go-ing to Toronto Island cause it's a nice place.
Notice how the sky is clear and blue and not grey and not choking with smog! |
We had a picnic here |
This is Hamilton. You can't call it 'the armpit of Ontario' now, can you? |
This is sports. I learned how it works and it's not too bad. |
We're in a boat |
Opening the windows while doing indoor activities counts as being outside |
This is called water-hovering. Katy managed it for about 2 seconds. |
This is beach-ing |
This is also beach-ing |
It's not nature but it was outside so that counts |
While these are all very lovely things that I have missed, there are a few pesky things that I most certainly do not like about 加拿大
Not having a job or an income to subsidize my bad habits. That's a lot of uncertainty for someone who has a five-figure student debt balance, a love for good food and drink, and a thirsty Buick Park Avenue (that only takes premium fuel by the way). Applying and applying and applying and paying to get 'tickets' to apply again to public school boards and getting zero feedback is not an encouraging process. I've gained a lot of respect for those who have slogged through the system to get themselves where they are today. I just wish things would be a little more efficient and transparent. I also wish people would tell me "No" if they didn't want me around. Isn't that the the whole idea of consent? Either way, I need to get a hold of myself because money disappears a lot faster when it doesn't come back every month.
Living with my wonderful parents who support, check-in on and feed me very well but who drive me just a little bit very crazy in ways they cannot even begin to understand. I'm a grown adult who wants to fly like a free, carnivorous eagle, but is locked in the cage of his childhood home by sharing bathrooms and risking his leftovers in the wild west of a fridge accessed by 3 other forgetful hungry people. My mom cooks with the skill of Gordon Ramsay and the generosity of an Italian Grandmother. My father offers to help to everything car-related, and then helps without my response, and then secretly does more things to help when I'm not looking. My brother is far neater and more considerate than he used to be. But despite their numerous qualities, they still make me go nuts with every little thing that they do.
E v e r y t h i n g i s s o f a r a w a y f r o m e v e r y o t h e r t h i n g .
I really like walking places. It's super easy because you only have to move your legs a bunch and then you're where you need to be. Put on an album, smell the fresh air, look in people's homes and appreciate their decor (from the sidewalk, mind you. I don't encourage being a trespassing snoop). As much as driving is nice, it's also bad. Traffic is bad, long red lights are bad, waiting for pedestrians is bad and then when I've finally reached my approximate destination, struggling to find and then pay for a parking spot is bad. Unfortunately, that's a reality for anyone who needs to move from one place to another in Canada or the U.S. because everything worth getting to is so obscenely far away from wherever you are because things are spread out so far that it necessitates having a car. Don't we live in the future? Where are the damn jet packs and hover boards? It's 2018! Here we are, well into the 21st century, and we're still having to bumble around without getting everywhere we want instantaneously!? Come on science...
If we let Bill Nye run the country, things would look like this in no time! |
A Lack of Freedom to do impulsive, convenient and otherwise selfish things.
I'm not going to get a lot of sympathy with this paragraph. I will very likely make myself look worse as a human being and maybe even as a semi-well mannered Canadian. But here goes....
China restricts a lot of the big things that we may take for granted, like freedom of the press, freedom of movement, freedom of speech, freedom of association, freedom of religion, and just a many few others. However, China does NOT care so much about the little things that people do. Worried about burping at a restaurant? No problem! Lining up in an orderly manner? Nah...Environmental standards? HAH! That's a good one. A very, very, good one.
But apparently in Canada we have to recycle. All my time saving habits of throwing glass aluminum plastic paper and other so-called reusable material straight into the trash might as well be committing murder. I've had my mother, father, friends, friends of friends, strangers, and others very quickly notify me as soon as I step outside the boundaries of our "rules". I'm treated as an earth-neglecting right winger blamed entirely for tearing the hole in the ozone layer. If I accidentally forget about the beer in my breast pocket and wander outside, people tell me I could "get in trouble" for such a thing. Preposterous. If I even do so much as make a noise above coughing volume in a public forum, the startled looks, snobby sneers and furious-yet-hushed comments almost instantly descent upon me with the wrath of all the passive-aggressive power of a gaggle of teenage girls.
Paying the government a butt-ton of PESKY TAXES
If we were smart, we could redesign our society so that a simple dice roll
could allow us to pay at, or better yet, skip over these inconvenient spaces. |
Don't get me wrong and throw me under the bus; It's important to have good services and stuff (the 'and stuff' can mean whatever you decide it to be). We need at least some public money to keep our communities functioning; paving roads, running schools and other useful tasks. But I feel like I'm paying taxes to buy and earn and live and breathe and eat and drink and drive. What's more, I now I have to buy liquor from a government liquor store at times when the government liquor store chooses to be OPEN!? At up-charged prices of their CHOOSING!? I want what I want when I want it! THIS IS UNACCEPTABLE!
I don't need your help, government! If you gave me one of those aforementioned hover boards, we wouldn't have to fix the roads! If you didn't liberally give out traffic tickets, I could use that money for gas and new tires to replace the former ones burnt up doing wheel spins!
Yeah I know it's not China. I probably sound like an old man / extreme libertarian / scheming anarchist. There are plenty of reasons that my complaints could be contradicted. I don't care. I'd prefer to spend that money on tacos or pay off more of my student debt, or buy another old car....
In fact, I'm going to go look at one of these next week... |
This reverse culture shock is a little strange, so I'm trying to find my way between my bad habits and these new expectations. I hope I can find something to keep me a little more busy, since I'm not working yet. Hopefully I can get a hold of my reckless spending and collect the fragments of manners and civility still left in my brain. Maybe not though...
That's all for now. Thanks for stopping by.
I entered this blog post a I am a man. And how the hell do you fit a beer into your breast pocket? Loved all the cars, too bad about the rust on the Cutlass, she's a beaut. Also, recycle you f'n reactionary.
ReplyDeleteHi Stuart, nice to read about your life. I hope we see you around soon when we visit likely at Thanksgiving and Christmas. You are a smart fellow. I am glad you have already thought of various ways to make money while applying repeatedly for teaching positions. I hope something good turns up soon. Love from all of us.