This is where I do battle. There's no oven, a single gas burner, and all the outlets are the wrong shape, but so are the plugs and they fit so that works out I guess. This picture was taken a good 5 months ago, so you don't get to see the industrial-grade Chinese blender with mystery controls I can't read. It's not much, but it's mine, and I'm proud of it.

I bought some chicken at the store because, well, because I wanted to eat it (there's not really any more reason to that when you buy things at the grocery store). Not knowing what kind of chicken I was going to make, I defaulted to the classic 'Get something green that comes out of the ground' strategy (works every time).

Result: When all was said and done, this turned out pretty well. I didn't taste much garlic, and the chilies were hard to detect (I later remembered that peanut butter is useful for quelling overly spicy foods, so I suppose that wasn't a great pairing), but it was really tasty. A savoury, thick peanut sauce that went really well with the rice and salted leeks. A little portion of comfort food with greens on rice.
Pumpkin Tiramisu
For this one, I had to give Mom a call and ask for the recipe. I am not capable enough to make Tiramisu without instructions, but I am capable enough to improvise. Know how I turned the raw pumpkin into fresh pumpkin goop? Rice cooker. That's right. I put a pumpkin in a rice cooker. I broke all the rules and I still came out on top. See where the heap of confidence comes from? RICE COOKER MAN.
For this one, I had to give Mom a call and ask for the recipe. I am not capable enough to make Tiramisu without instructions, but I am capable enough to improvise. Know how I turned the raw pumpkin into fresh pumpkin goop? Rice cooker. That's right. I put a pumpkin in a rice cooker. I broke all the rules and I still came out on top. See where the heap of confidence comes from? RICE COOKER MAN.

Then you take your goop and start pouring. Well, if you did what I said specifically NOT to do and mixed the whole thing in the blender, then you'll be pouring. Otherwise, scoop the goop (hehe) into the container, and then line it with cookies again when you're halfway full.
Top the whole dealio with some cinnamon and cloves, and let it sit in the fridge while you pray that you didn't ruin the whole thing by using a blender instead of a hand mixer. Pray all night, and don't even look at it the next morning. Pray and hope until the evening, and then slowly open the fridge door, clutching what hope you have left, and with any dumb luck, the mixture will have thickened out and you will have fooled your friends and coworkers into thinking that you're a master dessert-maker.
Result: Holy poop. This stuff was gooooooood. I even had an extra container of goop that I ate with cookies (I mean that I used the cookies as a scoop and powered through an entire cup of the stuff) by myself while watching a movie. You might fart the next day, but you'll have a damn good dessert that goes really well with brandy or amaretto. Don't believe me? Well I suppose you'll just have to come by and try some for yourself.
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